Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

As I have gotten older I find myself slowing down in life content to do less and less. What I used to find fun sounds crazy now. New Years Eve celebrations, gathering with groups of friends and tent camping just to mention a few. I remember spending many late nights with friends, playing games or just talking and a lot of laughing. These evening would go on sometimes until 1 and 2 in the morning while our children (12 total to be exact) played, fought a little and reeked havoc with toys everywhere. Now, the idea of coming home getting cozy and down right crawling into bed by 8 or 9 sounds like a highlight of the week. While this is nice sometimes, there's this part of me that would like to see this be different. I mean, what is the purpose, what is the joy. I love it when my kids push me to stay young by getting me into a more active side of life. While they aren't always successful it's when they are and the evening or day is done it is a good feeling. So with a healthclub membership knocking on my conciense, dance lessons waiting in the wings and a weekly ladies bible class filling my spiritual hunger, I have decided to take the advice of the famous Dori in "Finding Nemo". That when I feel tired and have little energy, to fight the urge to doing nothing but instead  JUST KEEP SWIMMING.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Beginning

Today I begin the world of blogging. Here's to you who choose to step in. Enjoy the journey!

I begin 2011 on somewhat of a spiritual low. With a loss of interest to pursue a deeper walk with Christ and the lack of motivation to develope relationships with other believers I manage to muddle my way Sunday after Sunday (or not) to church. It seems that every since I left the church I called home for many years I have struggled to find a place to fellowship and worship with other Chrst followers. I don't blame anyone or anything but instead I attempt to look up and within to find direction.

I love how God finds a way to sprinkle little bits of Himself in our lives to remind us that He is there, He is listening and He still cares. On my first Sunday of the New Year, in which I struggled to go, the service provided a beautifully read scripture reading of Psalms 27. Imagine that, the same Psalms I claimed as my torch that carried me through one of the darkest times in my life. I was reminded that when the enemy comes and brings confusion, strife and hard times in my life God is the source of light and a path to salvation, WHOM SHALL I FEAR. I was reminded that thru these verses I too made a promise to God to dwell in His house ALL the days of my life. And finally I was reminded that no matter what, to be strong take courage and wait on the Lord.

I have heard before to go back to your past victories to draw strength so that you can go forward as you conquer and claim new victories in the future. So, I look back and rejoice in the victories God has provided, thank Him for all that He has showered my life with and anticipate the adventures 2011 will bring.

To my husband, Geary, my children, Joshua, Emily, Caleb and Allison, their wonderfully supporting spouses, DeLisa, Matthew, Katie and Matthew W. and a home full of beautiful grandchildren, Elyza, Chloe, Mattie, Isaac, Maya, Sam, Victoria, Kaylee, Kamryn and Zachariah (whose beautiful face we have yet to adore), here I go, the journey begins. Welcome 2011.